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Alberta 55 plus 


  Zone 7 - Lakeland Senior Games Association

Welcome to Zone 7 - Lakeland Senior Games Association

Alberta 55 plus represents the heart of mature Albertans. It stands for the idea of a fuller, healthier, more vital future; for the straightforward steps that can be taken towards that future. We promote participation and action and have generated a unique spirit of cooperation across the province.

The association believes that sport and recreation development for mature adults is a provincial issue. It has a direct bearing on the quality of life in this province and it can become a way of life for the individual and the province as a whole. That is the ideal. We’re working to make it a reality.

Your local Zone 7 Board includes:

President--Mary Ann Latty

Past President- Kay Hauer 

Vice President- Sharon Hatch

Secretary/Treasurer- Janet Elliott

Activity Director-Diana French

Membership Director-Marie Routhier>,

Communication- Sandy Grandison

If you have questions about 55+ please reach out to any member of the Board.

An Update from the Provincial Board

The Board has made a necessary and exciting change to the structure of our provincial games. Looking ahead to 2027 and beyond, there will no longer be a summer and winter games per se. There will be an Alberta 55 plus Provincial Games in August that will consist of approximately 21 different events, which would be an amalgamation of most of the current “summer’ events and a few of the “winter” events added. Events listed below.

In taking this approach, that would leave approximately 9 events that would be offered as a package to any community or municipality that would care to host them. Each of these remaining events could also be parceled out as single events…like hockey or ice curling for example.

These nine events typically have greater numbers than quite a few of the other events and could “stand alone” if necessary. The Board envisions that in the off years (even years) we would stage “open” events in these nine disciplines and invite teams or individuals from across the province to participate. They would not be qualifiers but would be treated as Provincial events and medals would be awarded to the respective winners.

This is a new approach to our games and will take some patience and understanding on our part to ensure its success. No doubt there will be some” glitches in the matrix” as we move to this new approach to how we run the games. I encourage you to reach out to your zone presidents and zone activity directors to answer the questions that you will no doubt have. 

2025 Alberta 55 Plus Summer Games

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August 21-24, 2025 | Leduc

Leduc is hosting the 2025 Alberta 55+ Provincial Summer Games August 21-24.

The provincial games will feature over a dozen different sporting categories including track and field, swimming, cycling, golf, slo-pitch, horseshoes, pickleball, bocce ball, cribbage and more.


Individuals interested in participating in the Games will need to become Alberta 55 plus members.

Volunteers are also needed. Learn more here.

How to Compete

Ready to Compete in the 2025 Alberta 55+ Provincial Summer Games?

Step 1: Join the Alberta 55 Plus Association. Become a member and apply for zone membership. Contact your local membership director for zone 7- Marie @

Step 2: Qualify for the Provincial Games. Each zone will organize runoffs (aka qualifiers). Make sure to register and compete! If you perform well, you’ll be selected to represent your zone at the Provincial Summer Games in 2025.

Step 3: Register for the Games by June 30, 2025

Membership Benefits

  • Enhance your physical and mental health
  • Travel, fun and competition with your peers
  • Qualify for Alberta 55 Plus Winter/Summer Games, Provincial/Zone tournaments
  • Participate at your own level in workshops and clinics for activities and sports
  • Receive sport and liability insurance while partaking in Alberta 55 plus events
  • Johnson Insurance is our sponsor – Take advantage of home + auto insurance at reduced rates!

Mary-Ann Latty President

Marie Routhier, Membership Director
Phone: 780-804-3579 | Fort McMurray   

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