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1. Membership shall be granted to:
1.i. Any person being the full age of fifty-five (55) years or who is turning fifty-five (55) years within the year of membership purchase will be granted full membership privileges upon payment of the current membership fee and be considered an ACTIVE MEMBER. 1.ii. Any individual who has attained the age of fifty (50) years and supports the objects of the Association, may become an “AFFILIATE MEMBER” upon payment of the current fee. “AFFILIATE MEMBERS” shall not be eligible to vote, hold office or participate in playoffs leading to a provincial competition. 1.iii. Any ORGANIZATION or CLUB that supports the objects of the Association or that carries on activities that are congruent with the objectives and programs of the Association may become an “ASSOCIATE MEMBER” upon payment of the current “ASSOCIATE MEMBER” fee. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS” have no voting privileges. 1.iv. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be bestowed for life upon worthy individuals who have contributed directly or indirectly to the good of the Association. Honorary members of the Association will not have a vote. 1.v. LIFE MEMBERSHIP may be bestowed upon worthy members of the Association upon the approval of the Board of Directors, with no fee required. Life members will have a vote at a general meeting. 1.vi. To hold a position on the Board, a Member must be an Active Member of the Association. 1.vii. The fees for each category of membership in the Association shall be determined from time to time by members at a duly called general meeting. A simple majority of votes will be required. 1.viii. Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon giving written notice by hard copy or electronically to the Board, at which time all privileges of membership shall cease. 1.ix. Membership privileges continue for members who have a current active membership only. All privileges are suspended upon expiration of a membership. 1.x. The membership year in the Association shall be the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, inclusive. 1.xi. The Board may, for just cause, terminate the membership of any Member. The Member whose membership is terminated shall be notified by email and by registered letter and a copy of the notification shall be sent to the Board of Directors of the Zone in which the person maintains membership. The terminated Member has ten (10) days from the receipt of the notification letter to appeal the decision by registered letter to the Provincial President. Any such appeal shall be dealt with by the Board in accordance with the Alberta 55 plus Dispute Resolution Policy. BYLAW 2. ZONES OF ASCSRA 2.i. The Association shall divide the Province of Alberta into eight (8) Zones. 2.ii. Subject to the approval of the Association, any of the Zones may become a distinct society as prescribed by the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta, with powers not exceeding the powers of the Association. BY-LAW 3. GOVERNANCE OF THE ASSOCIATION 3.i. The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting on or before May 15 in each year. At least twenty-one (21) days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given by means of notice in an ASCSRA authorized publication or newsletter sent to member clubs and individual members. Transmission of such a notice by electronic media is also acceptable. 3.ii. Special meetings of the Board of the Association may be requested by a quorum of the Board. Such requests must be made in writing to the President and state the business which is to be brought to the meeting. Three (3) days notice by electronic media to all members of the Board is required. Nine (9) members of the Board of Directors of the Association shall constitute a quorum. 3.iii. Special meetings may be held without notice if a quorum of the Board of the Association is present. Any resolutions or business transactions at such meetings must be ratified at the next regular meeting of the Board of the Association, or they shall be deemed to be null and void. 3.iv. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be requested by a quorum of the Executive Committee. Such requests must be made in writing to the President stating the reason for the request. At least three (3) days notification by electronic media to the Executive Committee must be confirmed. Five (5) members of the Executive Committee of the Association shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. 3.v. Special meetings may be held without notice if a quorum of the Executive Committee is present. Any resolutions or business transactions at such meetings must be ratified at the next duly called meeting of the Board or they shall be deemed to be null and void. 3.vi. A Special meeting of the Association shall be called by the President upon receipt of a Petition setting forth the reasons for calling such a meeting and signed by at least fifty (50) Active Members in good standing. At least twenty-one (21) days notice shall be given in an ASCSRA publication, newsletter or by electronic media to individual Members and Member Clubs. 3.vii. The Board of the Association shall hold a minimum of five (5) Regular meetings each calendar year. Except under extenuating circumstances, the time period between any two (2) Regular meetings shall not exceed ninety (90) days. 3.viii. The Executive Committee, Standing Committees and any duly appointed Special Committees shall hold such meetings as required to carry-out in an orderly and appropriate manner the affairs of the Association. 3.ix. Thirty (30) Active Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General Meeting or at any Special meeting held under the provisions of Bylaw 3.vi. BYLAW 4. VOTING AUTHORITY 4.i. Any member with a valid active membership shall have the right to vote on any and all resolutions or elections at any Annual, General or Special Meeting duly called by the Association. All such votes shall be made in person. Votes by proxy, written communication or electronic media shall not be permitted. Provisions of this bylaw shall be superseded by Bylaw 5 where applicable. BYLAW 5. GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION 5.i. The Board of Directors of the Association, subject to the Bylaws and current Regulations given it by majority vote at any properly constituted meeting, shall have full responsibility and management of the affairs of the Association. 5.ii. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the Executive Committee which shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting as per the schedule given in Bylaw 5.iv and a designated representative of each of the eight (8) Zones as provided for under Bylaw 5.vi. Nine (9) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. 5.iii. The Executive Committee of the Board shall have powers as authorized and delegated by the Board. The Executive Committee of the Board shall consist of the President, the Past President, the Vice-President from the Northern Zones, the Vice-President from the Southern Zones, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Technical Director from the Southern Zones (Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4) and the Technical Director from the Northern Zones (Zones 5, 6, 7 and 8). Five (5) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. 5.iv. The election of the Executive Committee of the Association for a term of two (2) years shall be at an Annual General Meeting. The schedule for electing the Executive Committee shall be as follows:9. For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the Association, by a special resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or a duly called Special Meeting, may borrow or raise or secure monies in the most suitable manner to preserve the viability and integrity of the Association.
BYLAW 10. AUDITING AND FISCAL YEAR 10.i. The financial records of the Association will be presented to an accredited accountant annually. At the discretion of the Board, such accredited accountant will have either an Audit Opinion, or a Review Engagement Report, or a Notice to a Reader in relation to those financial records. 10.ii. The fiscal year-end of the Association shall be December 31. 10.iii. The financial records and operational records of the Association may be inspected by any member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting provided a request is made in writing or by electronic written media to the officer or officers having charge of these records, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting. 10.iv. All members of the Board of Directors shall have the right to peruse, in the presence of the officer or officers responsible, all financial and operational records of the Association. BYLAW 11. DISSOLUTION OR VOLUNTARY WINDING UP11. In the event of dissolution or of voluntary winding up of the Association, all of its remaining assets shall be distributed to the Province of Alberta or to a charitable organization selected by the Board of the Association in accordance with existing regulations of the Province of Alberta.
BYLAW 12. AMENDMENTS 12.i. Bylaws may be rescinded, amended or created by a Special Resolution passed at a General Meeting. A minimum of twenty-one (21) days notice of a General Meeting, specifying the intention to propose any Special Resolution, must be given in writing and/or by electronic media to the membership. 12.ii. A positive vote of a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the members at a General Meeting is required to pass a Special Resolution that rescinds, amends or creates a Bylaw.